Sunday, May 15, 2011

OOC: What is this Blog?

So, most of you nerds out there are probably wondering who I am and what is going on with the super villianess attitude. Here's all you need to know...

Rules/Actual Questions/OOC

Q: What is this blog for?
A: I am playing the character Pamela Lillian Isley, or as most know here: Poison Ivy. She is a character out of the DC world and I am playing her because she is not only the very thing that got me into my Batman obsession but also a great inspiration to me. No, I do not go around killing people in the name of plants. Sheesh. Pam has always been a favorite of mine and I think it would be kind of nice to have a blog for her since I already Role-Play her on Facebook. (Link at the bottom)

Q: Who is Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy?
A: Pamelas wikipedia definition is used in the "About Me" section because I hardly have the time or space to write about her. There is too much to no and little time. All the you really NEED to know is she was once a regular woman who was seduced and experimented on by her college professor Dr. Woodrue. These experiments changed her into a half plant, half human being who now fights for all plant kind in the name of Botany. (More links at bottom)

Q: Who are YOU?
A: Oh you don't know? Let's keep it that way. 
I WILL NOT be sharing any of my OOC (Out Of Character for you clueless people out there) information unless I find it necessary. This blog is for fun and I always find that knowing the person behind the mask ruins the illusion of the mask. Get to know me. Chat with me. Maybe we'll talk. But the person behind Pamela is not a need to know. Sorry!

Q: Are there any other DC characters or non-DC character RP Bloggers out there?
A: Most likely. I have yet to meet them but it wouldn't be hard to believe. I know quite a few Poison Ivy RPers on Facebook and there's quite a few. I'm sure I'm not the first to say, "HEY! Let's BLOG as Pamela!" If I find out any more I'm sure I'll link you all. That is, if I like them.

Q:CYBUR!? WIll yoU Cybre with meh!?
A: NO. 
I have had this problem far too much with my Facebook account. Poison Ivy may be a seductress but that feature is there for the plants alone. Sure she may flirt now and then but when it comes to the actual seduction, she will kill you. Just because she acts like a whore does not mean she is one so, if you please, do not act me to suck your dick through the computer. 1) It's impossible. 2) It's disgusting and rude. 3) If there's any sex going on, it's in character and it must be fitting the story line. 

Q: so whts up?? i is tlkin lyke dis cuz i haz no ritting skillz!! 
A: ... Please. If you are talking to me, use correct spelling and grammar. I get that typin lyk dis makes things go faster but at the same time... I like talking to a person like they are a normal person. Talking to me like your fingers are seizing will not earn you points on my part. 

Q: Will you Role Play with me?
A: Of course. I am not a very talented writer but when it comes to those who send paragraphs and paragraphs of a starter, I do my best to keep up. I have very little experience with multi-para and novella RPs so if you are someone who is into that and you want to RP, expect some details about pointless things. Once and a while I run out of things to talk about. But I'm tired of writing about the fuckin' sky. 
Anyway. Point is. Yes. I will Role Play with you.

Q: *is walking quietly through the forest*
A: You cannot expect me to reply to random starters. Especially ones like this. It is true, sometimes I like to use stars (**) for explaining my actions but that is only when I feel lazy or I don't respect you enough to write normal. I will use "these to talk and this. To end my sentences. 
Also, random starters are nice and all. But you have to give me something more and if I have no idea who your character is and I can't find them on Google then you need to explain your character a bit. 

Q: What do you like in your Role-Plays?
A: I don't mind what happens as long as I am not god-modded and the starter isn't this:
"I am walking down the streets of Gotham, my foot steps making little sound. There is no wind and no one around. A psychotic smile grows across my face as I see and lovely green woman at the end of a dark alley, her hair a fiery red and her body, one of a goddess. I-"
NO! FUCK YOU! I'm tired of my hair being described by some psychotic freak who likes dark alleys! It's always the same! 
Yes. My character is from Gotham. (technically Seattle... read it up people.) But that does not mean that everyone who lives there is just down-right psycho. Come and visit me at my greenhouse if you know where that is. Or be on a vacation in the Amazon or something. But please. Dear god please for the love of everything good and holy. DO NOT describe your creepy fucking character, checking out the hair and curves of mine in a dark alley of Gotham. It's WAY too popular.

Q: Can my character go out with yours in story?
A: Yes. I am willing to date other characters but it cannot be for one quickie RP. (*Giggle-snort*) Each and every one of my RPs are going to be a part of my character. If you date her, you are dating her. She will talk about you with others if the topic comes up and if she cares about you, it will effect her mood in other RPs. So don;t get pissy with me if your character is cared about by her and she tells others that she is worried about you because you have been acting weird or some stuff like that. It all matters. And fellas (maybe ladies) you can't start dating my character and disappear of the face of the planet for days and weeks. I will end it.

Q: Can I chat with you OOC?
A: Of course. I love getting to know people. But remember, I do not reveal any information about myself. This RP thing is a game. Nothing more. 

Q: Wow. You're a bitch.
A: I will act the way Ivy acts IC and I will act the way I act OOC. It is who Pam and I are. Sure, I might put some of myself into the character but that is it. She may be a bitch to your character but that is the way I play her. And hun, you piss me off, you will know what the personification of a bitch is. Just sayin'. 

I guess that is all that needs to be shared for now. I might add a little more now and then but this is all I can think of off the top of my head. If you want, feel free to ask questions but be warned, I will post these questions up if I feel it necessary. 

Ta ta for now ladies. <3

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