Sunday, May 15, 2011

I never really understood how easily a seductress could be seduced. 
It is one of my many weaknesses. 

The same thing that got me where I am now. Woodrue went sweet and I melted. I was weak. 
But now I am strong. 
Yet, for some reason, I am too easily won. 
All I have to do is wink, flip my hair and sway my hips. It's not hard. 
I'm a heart breaking killer. It's a skill and a curse.
I know a mans weak points so shouldn't I know my own?

I'm tired of those people who come up to me and say they have feeling for me and lure me in with their charm and good looks before they kill me. It's the same exact thing I do. 
You'd think after having it done to me so many times I would learn, right?
I'm just another girl who's heart is just as easily broken.
The seducer can be just as easily seduced. 

This life is nothing. It's a curse. 
The looks I get. 
The people who hurt me for the sake of hurting me.
The people who I have to hurt for hurting those I care about.
I guess it's not much of a curse when it comes to my children though.

Those beautiful works of art. 
Art that Mother Nature, myself, has created. 
The beauty they provide for me. My world. 
And even the people that hurt them.
This world that abuses them. 

Why do I help these plants you may ask?
Because I love them. 
Because I do what no one else does. I save them and keep them going in life.
Then when I bread enough of those plants... I cross their DNA with those of animals so they can survive in life without my help. 
It's too bad there aren't more people out there like me. 
Lord knows how many plants have been killed that I didn't know about.
How many could have been saved if there were more people like me?
I just don't understand.

How am I the strongest... yet the weakest?
How can I be making a difference for the best but still need to be serving three life sentences in Arkham?
How can I be so deadly... but not use it the the best of my advantage?

This is what makes me hesitate about my very life. 
Yes, I admit I have thought and attempted to end it all. 
But... I'm still here.
And I always will be.
People can break my heart all they want.
Treat me like shit.
But I'll still be here.
For my children.

I have to be.
Or no one else will.

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